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All the contributions to national and international conferences authored by Carlos G. Juan are listed below in chronological order. If you would need any further information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact him.

C.G. Juan, B. Potelon, C. Quendo, H. García-Martínez, E. Ávila-Navarro, E. Bronchalo, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro "Sensor de glucosa biocompatible basado en Qu con resonador de microondas en microstrip invertida," in XLIII Jornadas de Automática, Logroño, Spain, 2022, pp. 94–101.

Abstract—This work shows a glucose sensor based on the variations of the unloaded quality factor (Qu) of a microwave resonator. The sensor has been implemented with a biocompatible material using additive manufacturing techniques. An inverted microstrip structure has been designed in order to enhance the sensitivity. The paper shows the interest of Qu-based measurements both from the analytical and experimental points of view. The final sensor works at 4.62 GHz with operating Qu of 27.87. The results show a sensitivity increment with respect to other works, which allows to address the measurement of glucose concentrations related to diabetes.

C.G. Juan, B. Potelon, and C. Quendo, "Capteur de glucose biocompatible en technologie microruban inversée basé sur le facteur de qualité à vide Qu," in XXIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Limoges, France, 2022.

AbstractCet article propose un capteur de glucose biocompatible basé sur un résonateur hyperfréquence en technologie microruban inversée, dont la mesure de glucose est basée sur le facteur de qualité à vide (Qu). L’intérêt de mesurer la concentration en glucose en fonction du Qu est tout d’abord discuté, et les résonateurs sont ensuite dimensionnés pour maximiser la sensibilité du capteur. Le capteur est alors implémenté avec une nouvelle configuration utilisant une résine biocompatible grâce aux technologies de fabrication additive. Le capteur final résonne à 4.62 GHz et présente un facteur de qualité à vide Qu = 27.87. Les résultats montrent une augmentation de la sensibilité au glucose par rapport à la littérature actuelle, ce qui permet de mesurer des concentrations biologiques.

A. Aquino, C.G. Juan, B. Potelon, and C. Quendo, "Capteur de permittivité diélectrique basé sur structure résonante multicouche," in XXIIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Limoges, France, 2022.

AbstractNous présentons un capteur destiné à l’extraction de la constante diélectrique et de la tangente de pertes pour des substrats solides. Le principe de ce capteur est basé sur un résonateur en boucle ouverte et une structure multicouche, le matériau à évaluer étant pris en sandwich entre deux couches formant le capteur. Les mesures sont basées sur deux paramètres: la fréquence de résonance d’une part et le facteur de qualité d’autre part. A partir des mesures de ces paramètres, il est possible d’obtenir les propriétés du substrat caractérisé, et ce pour différentes épaisseurs puisque des courbes d’étalonnage en fonction de la hauteur sont présentées. Finalement, des résultats autour de 1 GHz pour différents échantillons sont proposés et démontrent l’intérêt de la structure proposée.

C.G. Juan, E. Bronchalo, B. Potelon, J. Álvarez-Pastor, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Use of coplanar quarter-wave resonators for glucose sensing in aqueous solutions," in Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC), Toulouse, France, 2020.

Abstract—A quarter-wave coplanar resonator in reflection configuration is presented as a novel glucose concentration sensor for aqueous solutions. This configuration allows for size reduction compared to half-wave approaches, while maintaining good sensitivities. The sensing magnitude is the unloaded quality factor, that is more sensitive to glucose changes than the resonant frequency in the 1-10 GHz range. The effects in the sensitivity of a coplanar capacitance placed in the open end are studied by simulations and measurements. The effect of the temperature on the sensitivity is also studied by experimental measurements, and discussion for more accurate sensing is offered.

C.G. Juan, B. Potelon, C. Quendo, E. Bronchalo, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Highly-sensitive glucose concentration sensor exploiting inter-resonators couplings," in Proceedings of the 49th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, 2019, pp. 662–665.

Abstract—A microwave sensor for glucose concentration tracking in microliter-volume water–glucose solutions is presented. Novelty of this work relies in the use of couplings between two resonators to track liquid properties, which allows great sensitivities. The circuit is composed of two electrically coupled open-loop microstrip resonators. A low-permittivity dielectric sample holder is placed in the coupling region between the resonators, thus the coupling is affected by the dielectric properties of the solutions filling the sample holder. The electrical response of the device is dependent on this coupling, and thus on the properties of the solutions. Variations of the dielectric permittivity of the solutions due to the changes in the glucose concentrations can be tracked by the changes in the electrical response of the sensor. Measurements have been made to assess its behavior and performance. The obtained results are consistent with the existing literature and provide a remarkable enhancement from the previous work in terms of sensitivity.

H. García, C.G. Juan, E. Ávila-Navarro, E. Bronchalo, and J.M. Sabater‑Navarro, "Portable device based on microwave resonator for noninvasive blood glucose monitoring," in Proceedings of the IEEE 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2019, pp. 1115–1118.

Abstract—A portable device for noninvasive blood glucose monitoring is presented. The device is based on a microwave open-loop microstrip resonator, acting as glucose sensor, following the results of a previous study. This work shows the design and development of the driving electronics, signal generation system, data processing, measurement setup and graphical user interface, to integrate the resonator into a device suitable for further experimentation in clinical scenarios. The measurement principle relies in the idea of relating the unloaded Q factor to the user’s blood glucose level. An initial assessment is shown, whose results highlight some successful cases of blood glucose level tracking, and indicate the need for further research in clinical scenarios.

C.G. Juan, C. Blanco-Angulo, N. Bermejo, N. García, J.M. Vicente-Samper, E. Ávila, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Concept of a system for real-time measurement and visualization of brain-shift," in Proceedings of the IEEE 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2019. 

Abstract—A medical image system is shown, based on non- invasive distance measurements with microwave technology. Non-visible key points can be measured in real-time. These distances are used for modelling and computing the brain-shift deformations in brain tumor surgeries.

C.G. Juan, C. Blanco-Angulo, N. Bermejo, H. García, J.M. Vicente-Samper, E. Ávila, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Sistema no invasivo para la medida y visualización de desplazamientos de tejidos en neurocirugía," in 11º Simposio de Bioingeniería del Comité Español de Automática, Valencia, Spain, 2019, pp. 76–84.

Abstract—A medical imaging system based on measuring distances between tissues by means of microwaves is presented. The system is designed for the monitoring and correction of the brain-shift problem in brain tumor operations. It shows the developed system and the first results with phantoms of brain tissues that have a morphology similar to real tissues. The viability of the system for the measurement of distances and the reconstruction of an intraoperative 3D image is demonstrated.

C.G. Juan, Á. García, J.M. Vicente, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Plataforma basada en la integración de Matlab® y ROS para la docencia de robótica de servicio," in Actas de las XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática, Gijón, Spain, 2017, pp. 766–771.

Abstract—En este artículo se presenta una propuesta docente basada en una plataforma compuesta por Matlab® y ROS desarrollada en la asignatura “Robótica de Servicio” en la titulación de Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche. Se ha preparado un proceso práctico en el que se introduce al alumno en el desarrollo de algoritmos de navegación, así como la interacción con los sistemas sensoriales del robot y sus actuadores. La componente innovadora se encuentra en el uso de una herramienta previamente conocida por el alumno (Matlab®) integrada con una plataforma más compleja y realista (ROS) para poder ofrecer la formación práctica adecuada con los recursos habituales.

C.G. Juan, J.M. Vicente, N. Bermejo, Á. García, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Diseño de un dispositivo háptico multigestual para simulación quirúrgica," in Libro de Actas de las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2017, Valencia, Spain, 2017, article 21.

Abstract—La introducción de las técnicas laparoscópicas en cirugía supuso un cambio profundo en los procedimientos quirúrgicos, sobre todo en la forma de sujetar y controlar las herramientas quirúrgicas. Con la introducción de la cirugía robótica, los sistemas maestros que controlan los brazos quirúrgicos robotizados han tratado de emular esta forma de sujetar y controlar las herramientas. Sin embargo, las restricciones cinemáticas inherentes a la cirugía laparoscópica manual no son aplicables a la cirugía robótica, y pueden ser superadas bajo el esquema de una teleoperación remota. Este trabajo presenta un novedoso dispositivo maestro que pretende devolver en parte la naturalidad a los movimientos de las manos del cirujano sin necesidad de restringir estos a la cinemática de la laparoscopia manual. El dispositivo es una plataforma de 4 grados de libertad que soporta en su extremo final un dispositivo táctil con reconocimiento de gestos. Se presenta el diseño del mismo, el software desarrollado para su integración en un sistema de telecirugía y los resultados experimentales que comprueban el funcionamiento del dispositivo propuesto.

A. García, J.M. Vicente, C.G. Juan, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Algoritmo para la detección automática de sangrados quirúrgicos utilizando visión por computador," in Actas de las XXXVII Jornadas de Automática, Madrid, Spain, 2016, pp. 835–839. 

Abstract—El trabajo presenta el diseño y resultados obtenidos con un algoritmo de visión artificial para la detección automática de sangrados utilizando imágenes laparoscópicas o imágenes de mini-robots
camarógrafos. El algoritmo se fundamenta en el cálculo de umbrales dinámicos en el espacio de color. Se muestran los resultados obtenidos con imágenes de videos de operaciones reales y con el sistema experimental desarrollado para este trabajo.

J.M. Vicente, E. Ávila-Navarro, C.G. Juan, N. García, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Design of wearable bio patch for monitoring patient’s temperature," in Proceedings of the IEEE 38th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, 2016, pp. 4792–4795.

Abstract—New communication technologies allow us developing useful and more practical medical applications, in particular for ambulatory monitoring. NFC communication has the advantages of low powering and low influence range area, what makes this technology suitable for health applications. This work presents an explanation of the design process of planar NFC antennas in a wearable biopatch. The problem of optimizing the communication distance is addressed. Design of a biopatch for continuous temperature monitoring and experimental results obtained wearing this biopatch during daily activities are presented.

J.M. Vicente, E. Ávila-Navarro, C.G. Juan, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Diseño de un bio-patch NFC para la monitorización de la temperatura corporal," in Resúmenes del XXIII Seminario Annual de Automática, Electrónica Industrial e Instrumentación, Elche, Spain, 2016, article INS13.

Abstract—Las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación permiten desarrollar aplicaciones médicas útiles y más prácticas para el manejo por parte de usuarios no facultativos. La integración del Near Field Communication (NFC) en los dispositivos móviles presenta la oportunidad de crear sistemas de tamaño reducido para la monitorización de parámetros corporales. Se pretende que el usuario pueda hacer un seguimiento a través de su smartphone. En este trabajo, se expone la implementación de un bio-patch de temperatura con la tecnología NFC integrada, de bajo coste y consumo energético. Además, se explica el diseño y adaptación de antenas planares empleadas en NFC para conseguir una distancia de comunicación entre dispositivos óptima.

A. Garcia-Martinez, R. Mora, C.G. Juan, A.F. Compañ, N. Garcia, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Toward an enhanced modular operation room," in Proceedings of the IEEE RAS/EMBS 6thInternational Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Singapore, Singapore, 2016, pp. 413–417.

Abstract—This paper describes the design and integration of miniature wired robots into a modular and intelligent operation room focused on performing single-incision laparoscopic surgery. These devices were designed to be moved by a robotic arm. Its position was tracked by a tracking camera which consisted of camera and light miniature robots, having the former a stepper motor in order to provide a tilt turn. Some experiments were conducted in order to test the integration of these devices into the system.

J.A. Díez, F.J. Badesa, S. Ezquerro, J.M. Sabater, Á. Bernabeu, C.G. Juan, and N. Garcia-Aracil, "HELPER: Collaborative project to develop a rehabilitation robotic device," in Proceedings of the ROBOT'2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.

Abstract—HELPER is a Research and Development Project financially supported by the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI). The success of HELPER project was founded on the stretch collaboration between Miguel Hernandez University (academy) and Hospital Clinica Benidorm (industry). The main project goal was to develop two prototypes of a new rehabilitation robotic device for upper-limb recovery after a brain damage. Now, there are two operative prototypes that are being tested in two public hospitals. The final idea is to exploit the project results creating a startup company with the collaboration of the two institutions.

C.G. Juan, E. Bronchalo, G. Torregrosa, A. García, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Microwave microstrip resonator for developing a non-invasive glucose sensor," in Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 29th International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, 2015, pp. 172–173.

Abstract—A noninvasive blood glucose monitoring system is presented. A microwave microstrip patch resonator antenna is used to measure the displacements of its resonant frequency while being on the individual’s tongue. These changes are due to inversely proportional changes in the relative permittivity of the tongue, which are directly related with changes in the user’s blood glucose level. Simulations are performed to assess the feasibility of the configuration of the system and the veracity of the principles adopted and the hypothesis proposed. Then, highly detailed explanations of physical implementation and evaluation with diabetic and non-diabetic volunteers and comparison with commercial invasive glucometers are shown, and final results are discussed.

Á. García-Martínez, C.G. Juan, N.M. García, and J.M. Sabater-Navarro, "Automatic detection of surgical gauzes using computer vision," in Proceedings of the 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Torremolinos, Spain, 2015, pp. 747–751.

Abstract—In this paper we study the effectiveness of different algorithms for texture classification based on the Local Binary Patterns method, in order to obtain in future a tracking system for surgical gauzes during a laparoscopic operation. Due to the mobility of the camera and the lack of a precise control over its position, the algorithms must work under unknown illumination and viewpoint parameters. Our intention is to provide to surgeons a simple tracking system in order to avoid mislaid gauzes during the operations, which might be completely unattended so that the surgical team can concentrate on the patient and not on the gauze counting. Due to blood stains, color classification it is not possible, also we cannot use the shape of the gauze, neither its position relative to the camera nor its size. So, the only possibility is to obtain a texture classification algorithm able to discriminate between the gauze surface and the background of the scene, i. e. the interior of the patient, laparoscopic tools and whatever is not a surgical gauze. For this purpose we try a few operators, looking for an algorithm for gray-scale texture classification. We apply the rotation invariant of the well-known Local Binary Pattern (LBPriu2), an improved version (NI-LBPriu2) and a control operator consisting of a direct comparison between the histogram of a region of interest and the histogram of a reference image, which we call GauzeTrack Local Histograms Algorithm. All mentioned algorithms have been applied both on test textures and images extracted from a video of a real laparoscopic surgery. This way we could ensure that the proposed method works on a real situation and not only in the laboratory.

J.C. Solarte Orozco, J. Manrique Córdoba, Ó.A. Vivas Albán, J.D. Romero Ante, C.G. Juan Poveda, J.M. Vicente Samper, and J.M. Sabater Navarro, "Calculador inteligente de bolo de insulina en skill de Alexa Amazon para pacientes con diabetes mellitus y deficiencia visual," in XLIII Jornadas de Automática, Logroño, Spain, 2022, pp. 148–155.

Abstract—This paper presents a functionality (skill) for the virtual voice assistant Alexa Amazon, as a support tool for patients with diabetes. The logic of the skill was developed as a bolus calculator for patients, considering a model of counting carbohydrates, fats and proteins consumed. Regarding the interaction, it was implemented considering the dialogue between a waiter and a client, the system can register each one of the foods that the user enters and regarding the number of macronutrients that each one of them contains, respond to the patient the total portions consumed and the percentages corresponding to the normal and square insulin bolus. In addition, a database was integrated where the macronutrients of more than 500 foods are found. The results of the research made it possible to validate the use of the application as a support tool for estimating macronutrients in food, being useful for glucose level management.

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